
Google Search Console

Google Search Console

What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console, previously known as Google Webmaster Tools, is a free service offered by Google that helps you monitor and maintain your site’s presence in Google Search results. It can help you understand how Google views your site and optimize its performance in search results. That includes viewing your referring domains, mobile site performance, rich search results, and highest-traffic queries and pages.

It also acts as a communication channel between Google and website owners. Google sends webmasters information about site issues, errors, or even penalties. It also provides some limited tools to allow you to contact them about site issues and feature requests.

Search Console lets you do things like submit and monitor your XML sitemaps, ask Google to (re)evaluate your errors, or see how Google sees particular pages and URLs on your site.

You can also find very useful information about how your website is showing and performing in search results in your GSC account. From mobile usability reports to visibility and clickthrough tracking, etc.

In your GSC account, you will understand when, where and how your site is appearing in Google.

What’s great about having a GSC account is that most of the data can be extracted and integrated into other systems, like Google Analytics, and Yoast SEO. This will make your life a lot easier.


Add Your Website to Google Search Console

  1. Sign into your Google account. Make sure you’re using your business (not personal) account if it’s a business website.
  2. Go to Google Webmaster Tools.
  3. Click “Add a property.”Choose “Website” from the drop-down menu and enter the URL of your site. Make sure you’re using the exact URL that appears in the browser bar.
  4. Click “Continue.”Pick a way to verify you own your website (HTML file upload, domain name provider, HTML tag, GA tracking code, or GTM container snippet).
  5. If your site supports both http:// and https://, add both as separate sites. You must also add each domain (for example, seocow.com, blog.seocow.com, and www.seocow.com).

If you run or manage a website, you create a Google Search Console account. It’s for free.

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